
You can make predictions in the following flow

1. Inputting DNA sequences for prediction
This web application predicts whether the central adenine is 6mA or not. This application requires DNA sequences with a length of 41 bp as the input. Users can input the sequences in two ways:“quick prediction” and “upload file”. In the “quick prediction”, you need to paste IDs and DNA sequences onto the entry box with fasta format. If you don't know how to paste, click on the example button on the "quick prediction" page. In the “upload file”, you need to upload a fasta file with less than 10MB. You can download an example file on the "upload file" page.

2. Selecting a model
Users can predict 6mA in 11 species. Please select the species from follows.
A. thaliana
C. elegans
C. equisetifolia
D. melanogaster
F. vesca
H. sapiens
R. chinensis
R. chinensis (Pre-trained by F. vesca; -20_20 sequence window only)
S. cerevisiae
T. thermophile
Ts. SUP5-1
Xoc. BLS256

3. Results
When you are done the selection, click the submit button to start the prediction. Don't forget the Job ID that will be displayed the screen transitions. Depending on the number of DNA sequences that you entered, the prediction may take some time. You can access the results by "job retrieval" using your job ID. Please note that the results will be deleted in about 24 hours!
You can download probability scores, lables, and contribution score vectors. If the score is higher than a threshold, a "6mA label" is given; otherwise, a "non-6mA" label is given as a predictive label. The threshold to determine the label is set to 0.5. The results are provided in a CSV and pickle file.