
Our webserver system implements two methods for PPI prediction: "Quick prediction" and "upload file".

・Quick prediction
In quick prediction, you need to input human and virus amino acid sequences that consisted of the standard amino acids and whose residue length was shorter than 1000.
ex1 ex2
If you don't know how to enter the data, please refer to sample sequences that will be automatically filled in by clicking the example button.
ex3 ex4
Press the submit button to start the prediction. Each prediction task is assigned a job id.
ex7 ex5
You can access the task from "job retrieval" using the job id. The job will be deleted after 24 hours.
When finish the process, You can download results including prediction, attention weights, and fixed length vectors.
・Upload file
In uploading file, select "upload file" and upload a csv file no larger than 10MB. The contents of the csv file should be as shown below.
The first row IDs of the human proteins
The second row IDs of the virus proteins
The third row Amino acid sequences of the human proteins
The fourth row Amino acid sequences of the virus proteins
Each amino acid sequence must be consisted of the standard amino acids and whose residue length was shorter than 1000.
Press the submit button to start the prediction.
As well as Quick prediction, each prediction task is assigned a job id
You can access the task from "job retrieval" using the job id. The job will be deleted after 24 hours.
When finish the process, You can download results including prediction, attention weights, and fixed length vectors.