
You can predict anticoronavirus (ACVP) peptides as follows.

1. Input amino acid sequences of interest by direct input in the query box and by file uploading.

The input sequences must be written in the Fasta format.
The input sequences must consist of the standard amino acid letters (upper-case letters).
The length of sequences must be more than 5.

2. Click the submit button to start the prediction. Remember the Job ID that will be displayed after the prediction is completed. The prediction may require a few minutes, depending on the length of amino acid sequences.

3. The result is displayed and is provided in a CSV file. You can download it.
You can access the result by "job retrieval" using your job ID. Note that the result will be deleted in 24 hours.
If the score is higher than a threshold of 0.5, a label of "1" is given; otherwise, "0" is given.